In the aftermath of an unarmed Black man’s fatal shooting by an Aurora police officer, the department released body camera footage along with a video statement from interim police Chief Heather Morrison. The footage shows Kylin Lewis, 37, who was suspected of a May 5 shooting, being shot once in the abdomen by an Aurora SWAT officer. Despite attempts to save his life, Lewis died two days later.

The family of Kylin Lewis, a 37-year-old unarmed Black man fatally shot by Aurora SWAT officer Michael Dieck, demands justice and accountability. Lewis’s mother, LaRonda Jones, emotionally appealed for consequences for Dieck’s actions, saying her son should still be alive. The incident has sparked outrage and comparisons to past police killings, including the 2015 shooting of Naeschylus Carter-Vinzant, which led to a $2.6 million settlement.

amily, represented by a firm known for police misconduct cases, is seeking answers and transparency from the Aurora Police Department, which is under a consent decree to address its history of violence against racial minorities. The investigation, led by the 18th Judicial District, will determine if Dieck’s actions complied with state law, and potentially lead to charges. The community remains shaken, seeking reassurance that justice will be served.

By xplora

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